There's a feeling of optimism these days: both ADP and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report that employment is picking up. Spring, a time of renewal and growth is here (or very near, depending on where you live). And, here at Go Get Your Job, we're putting finishing touches on the book.
Soon, Spring fever will hit and many of us likely won't feel like doing much other than play. Now's the time then, before the seasonal malaise sets in, to make the push--to research those job prospects, send out resumes, make new connections or renew old ones, practice interview skills, use the lighter mood that Spring has brought us, along with a more positive employment picture, to get that job you want.
Every week we throw our two-cents worth into the very large pool of job hunting advice websites, blogs, columns, books, etc., because we believe that one's mindset is at the core of every successful job search (and for that matter, any successful endeavor). There are innumerable ideas about the details of how to get a job. Without belief in yourself, however, your search for employment, even with all the details in place, is so much more difficult. We say Go Get Your Job! because we want you to believe, deeply, truly believe, that you can and will find the job that is for you. In our view, your job is out there. Many will think it simplistic, but we say, just go get it. You'll figure out the details.
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