But, CNN Money says 3 million jobs remain unfilled in the United States. How can that be? Well, U.S. companies claim workers don't have the right skills. Is that why the Wall Street Journal reported that business leaders are pressing the U.S. Senate to change immigration laws allowing companies to hire more highly skilled workers? What about training the unemployed and underemployed that are already here to fill those vacant positions?
We, the working people, must insist that the politicians, the financial pundits, the flush corporate CEOs and all those forecasting economists implement a plan to put money into the hands of people who will spend it with businesses who will hire more people who will then have more money to spend and get this economy running again. It doesn't make much sense to implore people to go get a job unless there are real opportunities for individuals to actually gain employment. 14.1 million unemployed Americans is a lot of people--in fact, it's a significant political and economic bloc. What if there were some way to mobilize that people-power towards opening up the job market? Food for thought.
Today's blog is a rambling rant borne out of frustration this week with trying to find relevant information that will help you go get your job. So, let's try to close with a bit of positive news. If you haven't already done so, check out CareerBuilder's recently released list of hot areas where workers are in demand. Titles like, Cloud Developer, SEO Strategist, Truck Driver and Healthcare Administrator are among the top areas. (See the full news release at PRNewswire.com.) "While the U.S. still has a very competitive job market, there are areas within technology, healthcare and other fields that have a growing deficit in talent," says CareerBuiler's CEO Matt Ferguson.
If you already have the skills, read that article and go get your job. Figure out how the skills you possess qualify you to get one of those jobs. If you need to get your skills first, do that. Then, go get your job.
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