Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gearing up the Job Search for 2011 – What Will You Do Differently?

We all know the saying regarding the definition of insanity – “Do the same thing and expect a different result”.

So, what will you do different to test the sanity in your job search for 2011?

1.   Will you refuse to network because your new laundered robe or snuggie offers just the   
     place of comfort?
2.   Will you refuse to seek out recruiters (retained and contingent)?
3.   Will you refuse to search pioneering employment websites, such as Monster.com,
      CareerBuilder.com, TheLadders.com, and job site aggregators such as Indeed.com and
      actually do online applications?
4.   Will you not seek to fully utilize your personal resources – your social and professional
      networks and, as well, your alumni groups to find someone who will walk your resume
      to the hiring manager or appropriate HR person?  And, will you make at least 5 cold 
      calls a day to folks that have an interest in your professional win?
5.   Will you stay passive in your search and wait for someone to find you?
6.   Will you refuse to re-work your resume, detailed to each job applied for, and not do a
      targeted cover letter for each opportunity?
7.   Will you read a book or take a class to increase your skillset so that you can speak to
      that on 
any interview?
8.   Will you volunteer your skills to a not-for-profit, so, that you give back and, as well,
      maintain your edge?
9.   Will you consider expanding your geo-graphical preferences and relocate for 1-2 years to
      ride out the current economy?
10.  Will you refuse to map out a strategized approach to that job that you know is just
      perfect for you given you background and experiences?

If at least, two or more of the above are true for you – ask if are you are refusing to Go Get Your Job?

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