--Studs Turkel
The Go Get Your Job crew really appreciates this quote. We think it's important to have a job, to do work that makes you feel valued. It's just as important to value the work you do--which is why we say go get YOUR job versus just getting any job. Take a few moments to consider what you love to do, what you are passionate about--consider the kind of work you would do for free, then find out if there is a way for you to get paid to do that work.
With just a little research, we came across some fun and quite unusual jobs. Forbes.com published an article listing five different jobs for which people are actually getting paid:
- Professional TV Watcher
- Professional Video Game Tester
- Professional Blogger (to be sure, our team will be looking into this one)
- Professional Taste Tester
- Island Caretaker
Job-hunting is undoubtedly serious business, but it doesn't hurt to occasionally daydream a little and ponder the possibility of working at a job you love.
Our wish is that everyone finds that golden combination of work that provides "daily meaning as well as daily bread." Go Get YOUR Job.