Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's Graduation Time! Celebrate, And Go Get Your Job!

Graduation usually marks the end of a grueling, fun, exhausting, exhilarating, sometimes painful, sometimes unbelievably awesome educational experience. Successfully getting through school is an accomplishment worthy of celebration. Graduation also marks the beginning--the commencement of the rest of one's life, which likely will include some more grueling, fun, exhausting... --you get the picture--experiences. 

Whether you experience more or less of the good times that the rest of your life has to offer, depends a great deal on the choices you make, particularly your job and/or career choices. The U.S. News & World Report's personal finance blog, Wise Bread, just posted "15 Career Tips for Recent Grads," and among the listed suggestions are things we've covered here at Go Get Your Job!: do your research, prepare for the interview, build your resume, utilize your network, etc. (See the complete list here.) 

All of those tips are practical steps any job seeker should take, recent grad or seasoned worker. We'd like to add another, perhaps less practical tip, one given to us by Henry David Thoreau, that we hope inspires all:
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
 Graduates (and everybody else), go get your job, Thoreau-style.